
GM Introduces Preventing Collisions

GM Introduces Preventing Collisions
DETROIT, General Motors (GM) introduced a system of preventing collisions on the GMC Terrain SUV to be launched next year. Company's claim, this is the first system used in the automotive industry. The system uses only one camera. 

In addition to use to prevent or crashing a car that was sliding slowly in front, also prevent knocking or grazed when moving point. 

GMC system uses high-resolution digital camera mounted in front of the rear view mirror to see the form of vehicles and road markings. The next system, will give a warning with sound and pictures. Motorists are being warned to be on the back of another vehicle and the distance is too close. Voice warning also appears when the vehicle lane without activating the turn signal switch (turn indicator lights). 

Digital Image 
According to the National Automotive Sampling System, rear collisions by 28 percent from nearly 6 million incident accidents that occur each year according to a police report. Meanwhile, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTSHA), said rear collision generally occurs because attention is not focused on the road. Hence, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) rate, GMC collision warning system was considered very helpful to reduce accidents. 

GM Introduces Preventing Collisions
"Digital image sensor used in this system, the concept is the same as the image of a cell phone that sent the computer. That's why the use of this camera system is easier on the vehicle, "says Raymond Kiefer, Collision Prevention System Technical Fellow, GM.

"Combined with the algorithm of digital camera images, allowing us to calculate the time of the collision," he added. 

Impressions reminder consisted, for the collision in front of the green icons to detect and track movement. Are like warning lights flashing red warning hit the vehicle in front, warning lanes using an orange icon with a bell sound.

This warning system works at speeds of 40 km / h, warned the driver if they followed the vehicle in front too closely. Also warned of the possibility of going to hit. If the predicted collision is unavoidable, the vehicle will activate the brakes help drivers slow down and stop the vehicle more quickly. 

How it Works 

Forward collision warning software works by examining images taken of - 14 "frames" per second - to determine the shape of the vehicle. Furthermore, vehicles are detected, checked at every turn of a picture frame. 

GM Introduces Preventing Collisions
Demgam change the size, the likelihood can be calculated when the collision occurred. The system also uses other parameters, ie speed, change of direction and movement of the gas and brake pedals. 

To be used in conditions different vision, the system combines four separate Exposure to creating high-resolution images and then analyzed. This method is very useful at night when close exposure is needed to clarify the picture. While the exposure is much used to detect the shape and texture. 

At night, the target is determined by looking at a pair of light that move in tandem, in this case using the rear lights. The system worked as long as the camera eye is not blocked, eg by snow or mud. 


In addition to seeing the vehicle in front, the picture also saw signs-warning markers to determine if the moving point. At a speed of 56 km / h, lanes warning icon - green lights that mark the active or working. 

If the vehicle out of lanes without turn signal switch, the light turned, blinking at the same time issued a beep sound. 

"GM is committed to providing initial protection, during and after the collision. The best scenario is to avoid accident.Technology is designed to help drivers avoid crashing, "said Gay Kent, Executive Director GM's Vehicle Safety and crashworthiness of the collision-preventing the use of this

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