
Modified Car Engines and Chassis

Modified Car Engines and Chassis
For car lovers would be familiar with the modifications. There are modifying the "exterior" car so that car design is like a new car. But there are also modifications "section in" car. Anyone can modify itself, there is also a need to service the car. In order to facilitate the modification, we better have a car picture first. Here are tips on car modification that consists of two parts, engine and chassis modifications:

Engine: According to TRD (Toyota Racing Development) Catalog, there are 4 groups (Stage 1-4) namely:
  • Stage-1: Modifications that produces 25% of the Supplement to Labor Standards. Tujuannnya is to enhance the capability and reliability of the machine.
  • Stage-2: Modifications to generate power 40% of Standard Usually for a rally and circuit racers amateur class.
  • Stage-3: Modifications to generate additional power 70-100%. Used for the racer / professional rider.
  • Stage-4: Modification of power 100% and is usually used for the Sprint Distance Short and Straight with Supersonic Speed.
Chassis: These modifications are usually concentrated on the transmission system and automobile suspension systems.
  • Transmission, replacement of the extremes are of standard type to the type Close ratio (the ratio of each gear close to each other). Usually used for rally, where the gearshift is required without reducing engine power.
  • Suspension, this modification there are two streams of Tall and Ceper, For Making your vehicle look Tall height angle between the axle position as coupling and not too steep, then most likely as a joint cross coupling can quickly wear out or break when you menggeber in bad terrain. To modify sedan / minivan became flat by reducing the screw per slug or a leaf in the pres flat or sometimes the curve becomes negative. These tweaks should not be imitated, because the number of conch Per reduced ulirnya will lose flexibility in reducing shocks. So is a leaf will be reduced elasticity and becomes hard suspension kickback effect. In the case of modifications, you can choose your own modifications or seek modifications to the car repair shop. If you choose a repair shop, note well the car modification services. How is the performance & their experience in car repair, body, and so on. Good luck.

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